Staff members are all volunteers; while they do not receive a salary, they receive room and board at camp as well as a discounted registration fee for their children.
All volunteer Cabin Leaders are expected to attend any pre-camp training offered. This may be in person or on-line and typically will be scheduled for late June or early July
All full week volunteers should plan to to arrive at camp prior to 3:00 PM on Saturday for pre-camp orientation and training to be prepared for the campers arrival on Sunday. Staff with girls registered for that week are welcome to bring them to camp at that time as well. Volunteers are committed to remain at camp until the following Saturday, after campers have left camp. You may volunteer for 1 or 2 weeks of camp.
Follow the link to the Staff Application page and select Staff Application. This will take you to the Active Registration system where you qill be prompted to apply on-line.
Once you apply on-line the data will automatically be sent to the appropriate ACC person.
All staff 18 years of age and older must supply a Police Information / Vulnerable Sector Check which is no older than 5 years from the current camp date. If you do not have a current one, ACC will supply you with a Volunteer Letter which when presented to your local police service my allow you to receive your police check free of charge or at a reduced rate.
Applicants must be 18 years or older for most positions. The age restrictions may be waved dependent, on the position, and will be up to the Director's discretion.
We have a limited number of Junior Leaders during our grades 3-6 Pathfinder/Trailblazer week. Our Junior Leaders learn through hands on experience as they serve alongside our adult cabin leaders as well as through training and mentoring sessions. Junior Leaders must be 16 years of age or going into grade 10 in the next school year. The age restrictions may be waved dependent on the applicant and will be up to the Director's discretion.
Cabin Leaders and Junior Leaders sleep in the cabins with the campers. The cabins have no electricity, just a lantern at night (we will supply one for you to use) and a wood stove for the cooler nights.
The Health Care Provider - will sleep in the First Aid Room on the back of the Wash-House
Kitchen and all other Support staff options are as follows:
You need to bring your sleeping bag or other bedding and pillow, towels and Personal Toiletry items.
Cabin Leaders and Junior Leaders must be female. Camp Cherith staff are chosen for their commitment to Christ, and their ability and desire to work with children. All staff are required to provide a current police records check.
Camp Cherith is a Christian non-denominational camp.
We have a full-time camp nurse or Fully Qualified First Aider on site with a dedicated first-aid station.
While we realize you may have responsibilities at home and work while you are at camp, we encourage you to spend the week without your cell phone and internet. We ask our campers to leave their electronic devices at home and we would expect our staff to follow those same guidelines. Internet and cell phone access is available through a limited number of providers if needed.
Address: 464 Templevale Drive NE, Calgary, AB, T1Y 4V5
Call: (403) 863-1104