Our camp facilities house a maximum of 40 campers per week, and registrations are accepted on a first-come basis.
To begin with we are limiting our registrations to 24 campers per week and will increase that number as we recruit the necessary number of cabin leaders.
When that limit is reached any further registrations will be placed on a waiting list and no registration fee is assessed at that time. Once more cabin leaders have been recruited and more spots become available, you will automatically be notified that your registration has been accepted. You will then need to sign back in to complete your registration and payment.
Please contact us if you, or anyone you know, would be interested in joining us this summer as a cabin leader! We want to accommodate as many campers as possible.
We honour "u.b. David & I'll be Jonathan Inc." coupons. One $5.00 coupon is redeemable at camp drop off time.
An Alberta Camp Cherith T-Shirt is included in the registration fee.
Please read all of this carefully before proceeding with the registration:
Our Registration System will offer you the option to pay with a credit card immediately, allow you to enroll in a Payment Plan to defer payment to a later date or allow you to pay with cash, cheque or E-Transfer.
Here are the payment option details:
Regardless of payment options, your balance owing must be paid in full by June 15th to complete your registration.
CANCELLATION: If for any reason you cancel your registration prior to camp, a refund will be granted but Alberta Camp Cherith will retain a $100 admin fee. In case of early withdrawal during camp for medical reasons or family emergencies, refunds will be applied on a prorated basis as reviewed by the Alberta Camp Cherith Board of Directors. All cancellation fees are at the discretion of the Alberta Camp Cherith Board of Directors. Any questions or concerns in regards to this policy should be directed to our Registrar, Kendell at registrar@albertacampcherith.org or call or text (403) 863-1104.
After you have registered, select this link to Active if you want to:
view your registration
update your registration
or pay your registration balance amount.
Pressing the button below will take you to the ACTIVE Works Registration System to begin your registration process.
Thank you and we look forward to seeing you at camp!
Address: 464 Templevale Drive NE, Calgary, AB, T1Y 4V5
Call: (403) 863-1104
Email: president@albertacampcherith.org