• Donate (either by mail or E-Transfer)

  • Alberta Camp Cherith is a non-denominational evangelical Christian organization. We are WEB members of the Canadian Council of Christian Charities.

    We are a not-for-profit Registered Charity under the Government of Canada, Canada Revenue Agency.

    Our Registration number is 118780469RR0001. You can view our financial filings with the Government of Canada on their CRA website.  canada.ca/charities-giving

    Our sole revenue income is from camper fees and the generosity of people such as yourself who give of their time and resources so that we can provide a camping experience demonstrating the love of Christ to girls from all walks of life.

    We strive to operate this camp as frugally as possible to get the most out of every dollar that we can. We also want to provide the campers with the best experience possible for the lowest camper fee possible. We also have a camper subsidy plan where we will do our best to ensure that every girl who wants to come to camp can do so regardless of their parents financial situation.

    To do this we need your help. If you can find it in your heart to help us meet these goals please send us a gift to the following address:

    Alberta Camp Cherith, 464 Templevale Drive NE, Calgary, AB, T1Y 4V5

    Please include your name and address (or Email Address) so that we can (E)mail you a charitable giving tax receipt.

    or you can E-Transfer funds to donation@albertacampcherith.org (no security question or answer is required)

    Please include your name and address (or Email Address) in the Message field so that we can (E)mail you a charitable-giving tax receipt.

    Thank you very much for your generosity and may God richly bless you.

    ACC, Board of Directors