• Our primary Staff need is for: Cabin Leaders Health Care Provider House Keeping Kitchen Assistants

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    Please read this carefully before you proceed: When you click on the button below it will take you to the Staff Application registration system. There is no cost to register so don't be concerned by the process Once you have completed the registration process your Staff Application will be emailed to the appropriate ACC Staff members and we will get back to you as soon as possible. If you have[...]

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    We offer two components of Staff Leadership Training: All of our staff are required to attend a full day of orientation/training prior to the camp week normally in the month of June. The content of the session includes: first-time staff members are familiarized with the Camp Cherith policies, procedures, expectations. etc. the week's schedule the cabin camper lists fill in necessary forms The [...]

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    General Duties of a Staff member: to be a constructive member of the staff, contributing in every possible way to the health, harmony and happiness of the Alberta Camp Cherith family group. to live with the campers as companion and guide, assuming responsibility for their physical and spiritual welfare to pray that each camper shall come to know Christ as Savior and to live in accordance with the[...]

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    Alberta Camp Cherith Staff members are volunteers who love God and love girls and want to serve both with their talents and resources to the best of their abilities. There are a number of staff positions, but at this time the greatest need is for the following listed below. If you are a young mother with a daughter who is going into grade two this fall, you can bring her to camp as long as you [...]

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    The mission of Pioneer Clubs and Camp Cherith is to help children and youth put Christ in every aspect of life, to form healthy relationships and to develop positive feelings about themselves. Pioneer Clubs and Camp Cherith also assist adults in understanding children and their development in order to be able to minister more effectively to them. We believe camp is an incredible opportunity to be [...]

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